Somatic NLP Couching

What’s your topic?

    • Do you feel like the outside of your life is altogether, but on the inside, you feel a disconnect from your true, authentic self and your intuition, even after years of therapy?
    • Are you constantly people-pleasing, avoiding conflict, and attracting unsuitable partners?
    • Is getting easily distracted, procrastinating, catastrophizing, and overthinking a struggle for you?
    • Despite mastering meditation, tantric practices, and various healing techniques, do you still lash out or spiral into anxiety?
    • Do you struggle to say no to your boss, your partner, or your child, and if you do, you feel guilty?
    • Do you shout at your children, and does parenthood bring out behaviors in you that surprise, exhaust, and hurt your family?
    • Are you unable to break free from a toxic relationship?
    • Do you struggle to decide whether to move to another country or start a new business?
    • Have you experienced a painful loss that you haven’t been able to come to terms with, and haven’t allowed yourself, or don’t know how, to fully go through the grieving process in order to move forward in your life?

If any of these challenges resonate with you and you’re ready to explore them with curiosity, click below to book time together and watch yourself transform!

Lenka Vera

Somatic NLP Couching

How does coaching with a twist of therapy work? 

The goal of coaching is to achieve something new that you desire in your life. Whether it’s starting a new project or ending an old behavior pattern. Some clients already know what they want, while with others, we discover it together. When we get ‘stuck’ on the journey (when fears or blocks arise), I will guide you inward, where, in a safe and supportive environment, you will find your own answers without having to revisit traumatic experiences. With a focus on compassion, I will support you on the path to self-awareness, healing, and authenticity. These are the foundation for any life projects.

I use techniques like NLP, Compassionate Inquiry (a psychotherapeutic approach by Gabor Maté), mindfulness, and somatic therapy, which lead to lasting change and a fulfilled life. My own experiences with deep trauma, a high-level corporate career abroad, and a passion for coaching and therapy have equipped me to effectively support you on your journey. I look forward to hearing your story. Click ‘book a session’ and let’s take a look at it together.

Milá slova od mých klientů


“Když jsem poprvé potkala Lenku, uhranula mě svou autentičností, upřímností a přesně to, se odráží v jejích schopnostech vést člověka k naplněnějšímu životu, či k odhodlání cokoliv změnit. Lenka dokáže věci přesně a jasně pojmenovat a dobrat se okamžitě k zásadní nitce vašeho problému. Toho si v komunikaci moc cením. Ukáže vám způsoby, jak dostat vaši mysl do jasnějšího a pevnějšího bodu, být teď a tady! Už po pouhých dvou lekcích coachingu se mi podařilo překonat obavy a jít do akce! Jsem si jistá, že kdybych Lenku nepotkala, tak by moje nápady byly pod pokličkou ještě o něco déle… slovy nejde předat, jak úžasná coachka a průvodkyně na cestě životem je, to je potřeba zažít! Cítím se s ní bezpečně a můžu s ní být svá. Jsem nesmírně vděčná, že nás život propojil!”

– Karin C., Photographer, prague

I felt stretched but wiser after our session as I had this wonderful AHA moment that my body can be my „Leuchtturm“ telling me always the truth by all the different emotions that exist .”

– Kathi K. – single mum, germany  

“Jedině v přítomnosti soucitu si lidé dovolí vidět pravdu.” A.H.Almaas