This mediation is wonderful in helping you overcome sleepless nights and any life obstacles in general.

Set up

Sit or lie comfortably, make sure your legs or arms aren’t crossed (don’t cross your wires ;).
Open your palms sky up (they are your satellites to the universe).
Close your eyes (you can play classical or meditation music if you wish).

Surrender what you do not want

Imagine a bin. In your mind throw in anything that feels hard, anything bothering you, anything you don’t want to think about now. Problems you don’t have solutions for. Dump them all in with passion (on stressful days I even imagine I am vomiting in all the pressure into the bucket – don’t judge!).
Now imagine this bin traveling up to the sky (let the universe suck away from you what’s heavy (or if you are religious, imagine God absorbing the bin from you). It is now vanished, gone. Hear the silence? Peace.

Tune into positive vibration

Remember a happy moment (diving into the ocean, meeting your puppy for the first time, hugging your child – pick one moment in your life where things were wonderful (even if it only lasted for a second). You can use the very same memory every single time you meditate to keep it simple.

Observe your body.

Stay rested for how ever long feels comfortable or for however much time you have. You can achieve great tuning results in minutes.

Observe if you see positive changes in your life over time.

***This is my personal adaptation of the Bruno Gröning meditation designed to tune ourself into a positive vibration and accelerate healing and problem solving. Bruno Gröning was a German healer known for miraculous healings.