Meet your coach and therapist

About Me

I am a personal growth specialist with a big heart and crazy dreams to change the world. Starting with me, and well…with you. One small step and a time.

I’m into collecting shells with my daughter in Bondi beach, efficient voice messages, living life in the NOW and constantly finding ways to be the best expression of my authentic self. Avoiding chit chat since 1995.

my story

My Journey from Trauma to Empowerment

It wasn’t until my studies as a somatic therapist that I realized how deeply ingrained my own trauma still was in my body, despite believing I had dealt with it (in my head) a long time ago.

Unconsciously, it still influenced my reactions and choices every day, hindering my ability to respond flexibly and authentically in the present. This held me back from creating the life I desired. Previously, I believed that the sexual abuse I endured — being taken advantage of by a local swimming pool guard at thirteen and later gang-hurt at eighteen — defined me as ‘messed-up’. But I’ve come to understand that the actual trauma occurred long before these incidents, on a much subtler level. 

These subsequent experiences of sexual abuse were merely its consequences. 

It was only then that I could begin healing in the right places, and my life shifted beyond what I had imagined possible. This is why I Chose to dedicate my work to survivors of abuse, to help them experience the same level of healing and liberation.

get to know me better

Things you did not know about me

  • I lived in five countries…
  • Used to be a professional athlete
  • Happen to speak five and a half languages
  • Experienced the trauma of being raised in a totalitarian culture
  • Experienced near death
  • Wrote a book about Managing Diversity
  • Regurarly join multiday silence & meditation retreats
  • Am an avid supporter for legalisation of professionally assisted psychedelics therapy
  • Love supporting the LGBTQIA+ community

There are some other not quite website suited things I could list which I am keeping for my book. Watch this space.

‘Selfactualised people are ordinary people with nothing taken away.’ What has been taken away from you that needs to be restored?

On a business note

I excel in blending technology and spirituality for personal growth. I help corporate professionals connect with spirituality and work on their well-being, and I assist spiritual enthusiasts in engaging with technology in a healthy way.

This intersection is my sweet spot.

my journey

4 things changed my life

NLP Coaching, meditation, learning about the psychology, biochemistry and mechanics of behavioral change, and motivational speakers and educators.

Thanks to some extensive coaching, the Czech-born communist girl in me was brave enough to bring together the corporate Change Management Consultant and Leader as well as my passion for mental and spiritual growth and start my own coaching business.

It was scary, not the going solo and leaving the corporate salary behind bit, but the coming out of the closet and serve authentically every day.

“Authenticity is our true nature, and the more we disconnect from it, the more we suffer. Healing and freedom come when we are willing to embrace who we truly are, not who we think we should be.” – Gabor Maté

“Innovation happens in the space between two thoughts”

a look back

How it all started


In 1989, as a nine-year-old girl, I left communist Czech Republic for the first time. On a snowy, freezing morning in front of a fancy toy shop in Vienna, I realized that there was a completely different world of possibilities and reality beyond the walls of our country.


When I turned 18 and left the Czech Republic to study in Germany. I knew that if I wanted to live a brighter, bolder, and more fulfilling life, I had to leave an environment that was permeated by limiting beliefs caused by decades of Russian propaganda.


Fast forward a few years, countries lived in, languages and certifications acquired, and heartbreaks healed from, I had built a decent career as a lean management consultant in Prague. Nevertheless in 2008, I decided to move to Australia. The country, that is known for its history unburdened by wars and totalitarian regimes, offering me a new view on life.


I worked the majority of my Australian career in Change Management and IT. Also, I raised a dog and birthed a child. Experienced the change and growth that comes with a separation and learned a lot about myself. I learnt about finance and investing. I loved my job, but… something was missing.


Apart from my passion for NLP Coaching and coaching of my teams at work I didn’t feel fully content with my life. I knew that if I wanted to be truly happy in life, I had to be helping others to grow them selves and reach for the stars.


I created the Lenka Vera brand. I chose my Godmother’s name Vera, which I adopted initially as my middle name, and eventually as my brand name. Lenka Vera stands for Light and Truth, and bringing light and truth to lives of others is my purpose. I am here to help you shed light onto the shadows of your potential, so that you can find your own truth.

get to know my skills



While I hold many formal and professional qualifications, I believe that my life experiences, as listed above, have been the primary drivers in cultivating my empathy and compassion towards helping you achieve personal growth.

Compassionate Inquiry Therapy (Gabor Mate approach to Psychotherapy); February 2025 (330 hours)

Diploma of Counselling (Major in Abuse Counselling, Working with Children and Adolescents & Mindfulness-Based Therapies,) Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors; present study – due to graduate as a registered Counsellor in December 2024

Global Leadership Wellbeing Solutions Practitioner, Sydney 2022

Human Centred Design Thinking Instructor (Luma Institute), Sydney 2022

Human Centred Design Thinking Facilitator (Luma Institute), Sydney 2021
Prosci Change Practitioner, Sydney 2021
Human Centred Design Thinking (Luma Institute) Practitioner, Sydney 2019
Agile Scrum Practitioner Certificate, 2015

Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP) Coach, Sydney 2014

NLP Practitioner, Sydney 2013
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, Sydney 2010

Kaizen Practitioner and Trainer (Japanese philosophy of continuous improvement and practice of lean management), Prague 2005

Graduated from International Business Management and Communication to Asia at the University of Constance with high distinction (4 years fulltime). My Thesis on Diversity Management was published and you can buy it here, please note it is in German).


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