Empowering you to achieve your full potential
Forever Virgin
The Now truly can cause miracles, as it makes every women a virgin everyday. Even those considered by society as fallen, do get to play. You see, never before, has she been the woman she is Now, whatever story got her here. Never before did she grant permission to...
The Bookbinder’s Wife
Illustrated by my daughter Hannah, 6 years old. The Bookbinder was looking at his wrinkly old fingers. They were always a little bit sticky from the waxed binding thread he worked with each day. The tips of his fingers were bruised from the occasional needle that...
Tuning Meditation Inspired By Bruno Groning
This mediation is wonderful in helping you overcome sleepless nights and any life obstacles in general. Set up Sit or lie comfortably, make sure your legs or arms aren’t crossed (don’t cross your wires ;).Open your palms sky up (they are your satellites to the...
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Self Worth In The Age Of Artificial Intelligence
Recently I was asked the following question ‘How might AI displacement impact on the meaning of work and the current nexus between work and self-worth? What can we do to enhance its social impacts and respond to potential negative impacts?’ I thought I would share my...
The Decision Making Manual
This guide is for those who like me find it sometimes challenging to make a choice. Do you oscillate from overthinking it to impulse decisions in an attempt not to overthink? Well then this article is for you. After bothering multiple friends with photos of my soon to...
No More Back To Backs, I Am Calling It
When is the last time you said to a colleague - sorry I am back-to-back today and felt a sense of overwhelm, while saying that? I have been feeling it, hearing it, observing it, and decided to call it. Microsoft technology is here to help us, not to drain us, so what...
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